Saturday, December 20, 2008

Life on the Road - An African Christmas

After years of talking about Christmas holiday in South Africa, we finally made it. While the trip here was arduous at best, it has all been worth the effort. The Guthries are wonderful hosts and have made us feel like we are family. Here are a few of the many photos we've taken so far. We'll try to keep the blog updated as we go along. Enjoy!

After nearly 23 hours in the air (not counting time on the ground in Portland, Oregon, JFK in New York, and a security shake down in Dakar, Senegal) we finally landed in beautiful Cape Town.

Hermanus has dozens of wonderful coves. This one is just a few minutes walk from the house.

Diane enjoys her first early morning walk along the beach. The next morning, we followed a Southern Right Whale mother and calf west along the cliff walk (no, we didn't think to bring the camera or binos).

We enjoyed a wonderful picnic down in the cove later that same day. Wonderful food and South African wine made it a perfect evening.

The sun setting in the west viewed from our picnic cove.

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