Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rip-Roaring Good Time on Salmon Creek

This past weekend marked the first of what we hope will be many outtings into the (moderately) wilds of Oregon. The winter dust that gathered in our portable living vessel has been swept out, the staples have been restocked (except for our on-going list of "must haves") and we set out on Friday evening for a nearby first-camping trip.

Salmon Creek has always been a fun getaway without having to go too far. Arriving Friday evening, we were able to find a great spot along side the normally placid creek. Instead we found the creek swollen with brown water and rolling waves. So much for a weekend of flyfishing.

We were able to take a couple of hikes, read good books and relax to the ever present sound of the creek.

One down, many to come.

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